Hi! My name is Oliver, but everyone calls me Ollie. I work at Hedman Counseling Center. My favorite thing is greeting clients when they come in for one of our counseling services, so they feel welcome. I am kind of shy when I first meet new humans, but my mom says that’s good, because each visitor can decide if they want to pet me or not.
Mostly I just chew on my bone while you talk to the nice counselors here. You can pet me, and I’ll snuggle with you, but only if you want. Humans sometimes feel better saying scary or sad things if I am close by. My mom says I’m really good at knowing when humans are sad, so you can be sad as much as you need and I’ll stay close by.
The more you come to see us, the more I’ll know you and learn how best to comfort you during one of our counseling services. I get so excited when you come back and I get to see you and smell your shoes and coat. When you leave, I usually roll over so you can rub my belly. I really like that! And it’s ok if you don’t want to, it doesn’t hurt my feelings at all. What you need is most important and maybe because I’m here you’ll feel just a little bit better.