It’s Time To Demystify Spiritual Abuse
- Have you been wounded under the guise of God?
- Do your deeply held beliefs no longer quite fit?
- Was there a time when your faith felt certain?
- Are you feeling isolated and alone?
Spiritual Abuse Comes In Many Forms
Spiritual abuse comes in many forms, and the wounded often feel alone on the journey of recovery. At Hedman Counseling Center we take spirituality and spiritual abuse, in all its forms, seriously. We offer a safe, and open environment for spiritual abuse counseling.
We understand the confusion and pain that comes when others have used the sacredness of spirituality as a weapon.
When our soft place to fall has become a fear-based, shame-inducing experience, the chaos internally can grow very dark.
Healing is possible.
Having a Safe Environment is Essential
In spiritual abuse counseling, we provide a judgment-free environment where you can be exactly who you are. Even if “who you are” feels very uncertain. We provide a place where the questions you have, the feelings you experience, and the entirety of your story matter.
Each of the members of the staff at Hedman Counseling Center is intimately familiar with the betrayal, shame, and fear that comes with spiritual abuse. We each personally know the value of individual therapy sessions and a counselor who is agenda-free, and the importance of someone who will allow you to say and be exactly who you are without a hint of shame or control.
We also understand the difficulty of seeking assistance when those in positions of authority have been unsafe and damaging. Thinking about opening up can be too overwhelming. For spiritual abuse counseling sessions to be effective we are guided by your pace and where you are at.
You are in charge. We are here to support and allow you to find your center. We believe you have everything you need for a joyful, free life. We’d be honored to help you find it.